How to Join:
In order to shoot at our club you must be a paid member. Membership applications are available at the club and may be downloaded from the links at the bottom of this page. Applications will only be accepted in person at a New Membership Range Orientation Class. Membership (including a spouse and any children under 21 living at home) entitles you to unlimited range time.
Orientation Class:
Orientation class is held every 2nd and 4th Saturday at 9:00 am at the Club House. All club members must belong to the National Rifle Association (NRA). Please bring proof of your NRA membership to the required New Member Range Orientation Class. NRA membership is required for club's insurance.
All new club members are required to attend an Orientation Class prior to use of the Club's Range Facilities. Orientation Class takes approximately two hours. Orientation consists of the following: an overview of the Club's mission, a brief description of available target match shooting programs, and a thorough review of the Club's Rules. Prospective members are required to complete a walking tour of all Club Ranges and must demonstrate safe firearm handling and basic proficiency of firearms prior to using Club Facilities. Prospective members must provide their own hearing and eye protection.
Membership Renewal:
Dues are due by the 1st of January every year, and they are $165.00 per year. Current members can renew their membership by mail to the address below, or show up a an Orientation Class on Saturday at 9:00 am. One of the board members will be available to take your payment. Send your payment along with proof of current NRA membership to the following address. Make your check payable to the Caddo Rifle & Pistol Club.
Membership and Eligibility:
Any citizen of the United States of America who is 18 years of age or older, of good character without a previous felony conviction, may become a member of this club on vote of the Board of Directors and on payment of dues.
Membership in the NRA is required.
Membership will include only the member, the spouse, and all school children living at home under 18 years of age shall have club privileges as set forth below.
Only the member is entitled to vote and hold office. The spouse is only entitled to use the club facilities. The children of any member may use the club facilities only when accompanied and supervised by any member or member’s spouse.
No person or member of any organization or group having as a purpose, or one of their purpose to overthrow by force and violence the Government of the United States of America, or any its political subdivisions shall not be eligible for membership in the club.
All members shall conduct themselves in a proper manner and no member, spouse, or child shall use the range facilities while intoxicated or under the influence of drugs.
The annual dues of the club shall be determined by the Board of Directors, and approved by the general membership at the Annual Meeting. Dues are to be paid by January 1st of each year.
New applicants joining between 1 January and 30 June will be required to pay for an entire year's membership dues ($165.00). New applicants joining after 1 July will pay for 1/2 year's dues ($85.00). The $85.00 is a one-time deal for new members only. All renewal members will pay full price regardless of when payment is made.
Club members with dues in arrears are ineligible for any benefits offered by this club.
Application for Membership PDF
Application for Membership Word
Contact Info:
Caddo Rifle and Pistol Club
365 Shootout Lane
Princeton, LA. 71067-4401
For questions about renewing your membership or becoming a new member,
Please email: caddonewsletter@gmail.com